Follo Folkehøgskole takes NOA into use

It's great to have our first folk high school in our customer portfolio :-)

Follo Folkehøgskole in Vestby is a school that offers 9 different programs and has 105 study places. Students can choose between Band, Body & Mind, Dance, Film, Hiphop, Musical, Personal Trainer, Performing Arts Production and Vocal.

With the NOA app, students check in to their classes themselves, with GPS coordinates when they are at school and with a numerical code if they are on excursions and activities outside.

In the app, of course, they have their timetable week by week and full control over their own attendance and absence, so they don't have to ask staff how they are doing in relation to the attendance requirement. Awareness-raising for the student and time-saving for staff.

We thank you for your trust and look forward to working with you!


Digitization of attendance registration at the University of Stavanger 


Welcome to our new developer, Jonas