Now you can use NOA as both an attendance and infection tracking system
The University of Agder will start using NOA's solution for infection tracking at its campuses in Grimstad and Kristiansand in the spring of 2021. The goal is to get an overview of who sits where during lectures to prevent quarantine for everyone who has visited a lecture hall in the event of an outbreak of infection.
All seats to be used in a lecture hall are marked with a unique QR code. Students download the NOA app, log in with their username and password and scan the code on the seat they are sitting in. In situations where infection has been detected in a student, you do not need to send home everyone who was in the room, but only those who sat closest to the infected person during the relevant period.
In mid-December, we received a request from Kevin Adriaansen, project manager for Study Administration Systems at the University of Agder, if NOA could deliver a flexible and simple infection tracking system based on the app that is already in use for attendance registration in large parts of the courses at the University.
We already had functionality to be able to check in with QR codes, and we already had functionality to register teaching rooms and their GPS coordinates. By further developing this, we could relatively quickly come up with a smart and flexible solution that covers UIA's need for infection tracking in the spring of 2021.
The solution is that all seats to be used in an auditorium are marked with a unique QR code that students scan when they sit down. Alternatively, students can enter a number/letter code if they do not want to use a camera for check-in. Of course, you can also generate codes for group rooms or classrooms where it is not appropriate to place codes down to seat level.
Infection tracking and attendance recording in a single system
The student logs into the app with the same username and password as for the university's other systems. If the user does not already exist in the system, i.e. is not currently enrolled in courses that use NOA, NOA will automatically create a user by retrieving data from FS. In other words, the student will not encounter any obstacles to register their attendance, or have to fill in data and text themselves to proceed in the app. It should be simple and straightforward.
Both room, seat and user will have a list of check-ins. It will be possible to extract a report with all check-ins for a room, seat or student within a given time interval. The Administrator role in NOA is required to retrieve these lists.
In situations where infection is detected on a student, you will be able to concentrate on the close contacts and not have to send everyone in the room to quarantine.
Do you need an infection tracking system on your campus? Contact us and we will help you get started quickly.
Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. Or see the contact page and contact us directly.