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System for infection tracking

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Safe teaching on campus, with an effective infection tracking system.

Prevent anyone who has visited a lecture hall from being quarantined in the event of an outbreak.


Safe and secure teaching with the NOA app

The campus prepares class maps, feeds room name and seat number data into NOA and marks all seats on campus. The student registers the QR code on their seat in the NOA app.

Overview of who
as sits where

If an infection occurs at a school, you will quickly get an overview of who is sitting where, which can make the difference between an entire class or just one or two people being sent to quarantine.

Faster information to the infection control office

With a safe and effective infection tracking system, you will be able to quickly provide the local infection control team with an overview of who was in the room and near the infected person.

Do you need an infection tracking system on campus?

NOA delivers consent-based seating registration
on campus with QR codes. We help you get started.

Fill in the form or contact directly.

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