"Good start" is now available to all NOA365 users

The image is taken from UIA's pages with information about "How to be met as a new student".

Good start is a module where student assistants can register students' participation in events where it is desirable to have an overview of how many times the students have met during a period. The module is included in the price of NOA365 and does not entail any additional costs, but must be activated by NOA employees.

Contact support@noticeofattendance.com if you want your campus to have access to the module.

If this solution is suitable for you, but you want other terms, such as colloquium groups or similar, get in touch and we'll see what we can do :-)

God start is named after a program at the University of Agder that aims to improve first-year students' well-being and learning environment on campus. One of the measures to make the start of the study period safer is to divide the students into smaller groups led by an experienced student assistant. Here you get help with academic and practical issues with a focus on good and inclusive fellowship with fellow students. Students will meet a set number of times during the semester. The times are not scheduled, but are agreed internally between the group and the employee.


Welcome to our new developer, Jonas


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