OsloMet: "I would estimate that we have reduced manual work by 75% using NOA

NOA fixes the attendance registration for the first study day

Registering students as "Met" by roll call or paper list for the first day of study is a manual task that requires time and resources. Fortunately, our customers who use NOA for attendance registration do not have to do this.

Canisius Habyarimana, senior engineer at the section for digitalization of education at OsloMet, has been responsible for ensuring that the correct data has been put in place in NOA from FS, including student data, time of sending SMS, time of attendance and numerical codes belonging to the study programs.

The challenges before NOA were several paper lists that had to be collected at the faculties and sent to the admissions office for further punching in FS, which meant a lot of work at the faculties and probably less control in my opinion

Canisius Habyarimana, Oslo Met

OsloMet first used the service in the fall of 2020 on about 7,000 first-year students.

- Based on these experiences, we saw that it would be brilliant to have an integration between NOA and FS's admission module, for retrieving and writing back attendance data, which was put in place for the 2021 admission," says Habyarimana.

Habyarimana believes the solution is valuable for OsloMet because it meets the needs of higher education institutions practicing first-time attendance registration.

I would estimate that we have reduced manual work by 75% with this integration, and with a couple of new customizations, the solution will be even more robust for OsloMet next intake.

Canisius Habyarimana, Oslo Met

Hege Longva, founder and CEO of NOA, is proud that so many universities and colleges have adopted NOA.

-"We look forward to helping even more people in the next intake," says Longva.

The first-time attendance service is used by about 25,000 students at OsloMet, University of South-Eastern Norway, Østfold University College, NLA and UIA.

NOA is simple and streamlines attendance registration. Students receive a text message with a link that connects them to their study program. Students then enter a code as confirmation of attendance.


- It makes it easier for students 


NOA moves to Norwegian servers