Attendance registration for
education sector
Efficient, simple and time-saving
We now have a piloting campaign through the spring semester 2025!
In collaboration with Norwegian educational institutions, we have developed a tool for digital attendance registration for various areas of use in schools. A tool that simplifies and automates time-consuming processes and provides an overview and control over participation in relation to given attendance requirements.
We help both private schools, colleges, universities, vocational schools and community colleges with our solutions.
Our services
First day at school
Good start
Attendance at classes
Registration of attendance for on-site or digital teaching throughout the year. Students check in and have an overview of timetables and their own attendance via the app. Employees have a full overview in real time in their own admin view.
How does it work?
NOA has integrations with FS, Canvas and TP, where we retrieve data about students, courses, course affiliation and timetables.
Students download the NOA app and check in to their classes themselves.
Student check-ins are automatically registered on the lecturer's class list as "attended" in real time, so the attendance record is always up to date.
Students are given an overview of their own timetable and attendance rate at course and possibly group level.
Lecturers can start teaching faster, avoid circulating lists and post-processing registrations, and are always up to date.
Course coordinators or administrators can quickly get an overview of the students' status and access the desired reports with export options.
NOA has solutions for
Varying timetables from week to week
Division into groups with different timetables and different attendance requirements within a subject
Conversion of blocks into individual hours for more fine-grained and fair statistics
Student to check out if you have to leave before class is over
The campus to freeze the checkout when you need to make a check
To produce reports with different filters and export to excel
Terminology adapted to the type of sector (secondary/higher education/courses)
NOA has flexibility for
Whether the student should check in to the classes individually or in blocks
How many minutes the opening window for check-in should be, before and after the lecture starts, down to course and class level
To mark lectures as mandatory so that the student sees it in the app
Whether to use geolocation, numeric or QR code to check in to the lecture
And much, much more. Feel free to contact us for information, as we are constantly updating the tool.

Digital and hybrid teaching
One of the key premises that makes attendance registration with NOA so easy and smooth is that our technology ensures that the student must be at the coordinates of the campus for check-in to be possible.
We know that many people are now teaching digitally or hybrid classes, and there is a great need to be able to register attendance in such classes in a simple and secure way.
With NOA, you can choose. Students can either enter a numeric code or scan a QR code, which the lecturer generates for each lecture. You can also combine the two, with those on campus checking in using the coordinates and those at home entering the numeric code or scanning the QR code. Students can of course check in to many subsequent classes in one course with one keystroke.
First day at school
Register attendance for the first study day on 1-2-3!
Students receive a text message and enter a code - and just like that, attendance is registered in the Common Student System. Integration with the admissions module in FS provides a smooth and secure data flow in both directions.
Meet students in a timely manner and save a lot of time by avoiding circulating paper lists and manual processing of attendance registration afterwards.
Attendance registration on the first day of study made easier
The process of registering students on the first day of study is for many still a manual task with either roll call or queues where students sign up on a list, and a lot of follow-up work for administrative staff at the place of study to get attendance data entered into the Common Student System.
Digitizing the entire process will safeguard student privacy and avoid manual registration and post-processing of attendance data afterwards.
In practice, this means that the student receives an SMS with a unique link linking the student to the study program, where they enter a specific code that they receive from the institution at the start of their studies.
How does it work?
NOA imports a list of studies and students before the start of the studies, where each study has an attendance date and time.
At a given interval before this attendance time, NOA sends an SMS to those students who are due to attend, where the SMS contains a unique personalized link indicating which student and which study it applies to.
The link is active at the time of dispatch, but no action is possible until the attendance time has passed.
NOA generates a 4-digit code for the various study programs, after which the institution is responsible for allocating them to the person responsible for the call.
The roll call manager provides the code that the student must use to confirm their attendance, either physically on campus or digitally.
Once the code is entered, the student will be registered as present in the system.
NOA will write back data to FS if requested.
Good start
Registration of participation to
group work led by experienced student assistants.
"God start" is a new module we have developed at the request of the University of Agder. With NOA's God start, the mentor/student assistant can register the participation of the students and get an overview of how many times the group members have met during the semester for non-scheduled activities.
Courses and students are retrieved from FS
Simple and clear group management
Attendance requirement is set to the number of times (not %) during the semester
Mentor registers students' participation per session
Detailed overview of students' number of attendances, last check-in and chronological overview of the date and time they were registered
More about the mentoring scheme for first-year students at UiA
Meeting higher education and student life can be challenging. UIA therefore offers an academic mentoring scheme during the first semester to help students settle in on campus and master their studies. The purpose of the scheme is to improve first-year students' well-being and learning environment on campus, so that all new students get the best possible start to their studies.
First-year students are therefore invited to join a Good Start group consisting of 10-15 fellow students under the leadership of an experienced student mentor. In the Good Start groups, the focus will be on good and inclusive fellowship with fellow students and help with academic and practical issues.
The mentor registers the students who attend each group meeting (which is not scheduled), and you get an overview of the number of times you have attended in relation to the attendance requirement.